Sinfonia-1a web


(2022)   |   20 minutes

Jointly commissioned by Michigan State University (Kevin Sedatole), Ball State University (Thomas Caneva), Baylor University (Eric Wilson), University of Colorado Boulder (Donald J. McKinney), Florida State University (Richard Clary), Indiana University (Rodney Dorsey), University of Michigan (Michael Haithcock), Ohio State University (Russel C. Mikkelson), Oklahoma State University (Joseph Missal), University of Texas Austin (Jerry Junkin), Texas Tech University (Sarah McKoin), Purdue University Fort Wayne (Daniel Tembras), and Western Michigan University (Scott Boerma).

LEVEL Grade 5

SCORING piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, clarinet in Eb, 4 clarinets in Bb, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 2 alto saxophones, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, 4 trumpets in Bb, 4 horns in F, 2 trombones, bass trombone, euphonium, tuba, contrabass, piano, harp, timpani, percussion (4 players):  
1: marimba (5-octave), xylophone, glockenspiel, vibraphone
2: snare drum, bell tree
3: cymbals (suspended, crash)
4: bass drum, tam-tam

PREMIERE 30 April 2022, Wharton Center for the Performing Arts, East Lansing, Michigan. Michigan State University Wind Symphony conducted by Kevin Sedatole.

WINNER Sousa-ABA-Ostwald Composition Contest (2022)



I. Noir (0:07)     II. Transit (4:36)     III. Arioso (8:43)     IV. D-O-N-E (14:58)

View the composer’s intro video

Programme Note

Sinfonia seeks inspirations from cultures close to my heart and mixes them into four different movements. It begins nostalgically and ends on a hopeful, uplifting note.

I. Noir
Grainy films and stylized black-and-white images from the 1940s and ’50s inspired this nostalgic throwback. Although it starts brightly, at its core lies the night.

II. Transit
New York City. Subway. Rush hour. Each stop opens to a new soundscape. “Say, did I hear Jazz?” Someone asks. “STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS, PLEASE,” New York replies.

III. Arioso
Shanghai. Night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. A vocalise was conceived.

May 10, 1869. Promontory, Utah. A one-word telegraph was sent across the United States in Morse code, announcing the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Now the country was connected as never before: a journey between San Francisco and New York that previously took up to six months now took only days. Some 150 years later, that word, “D-O-N-E,” is transformed here into music using the rhythm of the Morse code. Throughout the finale, the “done” motif is passed back and forth by numerous instruments in the ensemble. An accumulation of materials sends the piece to a climax at the end. This movement was adapted from a movement of my orchestral work Transcend.

“D-O-N-E” motif, based on the Morse code for the word

Sinfonia was jointly commissioned by a CBDNA consortium consisted of the Michigan State University (Kevin Sedatole), Ball State University (Thomas E. Caneva), Baylor University (Eric Wilson), University of Colorado Boulder (Donald J. McKinney), Florida State University (Richard Clary), Indiana University (Rodney Dorsey), University of Michigan (Michael Haithcock), Ohio State University (Russel C. Mikkelson), Oklahoma State University (Joseph Missal), Purdue University Fort Wayne (Daniel Tembras), University of Texas Austin (Jerry Junkin), Texas Tech University (Sarah McKoin), and Western Michigan University (Scott Boerma). My deepest gratitude goes to Kevin Sedatole, who initiated this project, as well as to all commissioning partners. I had a blast writing this work!
©Zhou Tian

Sinfonia was selected as the 2022 Sousa-ABA-Ostwald Award winning composition.

シンフォニア/ ジョウ・ティエン (周天)

I. ノワール


II. トランジット


III. アリオーソ






©Zhou Tian



彼の音楽は、「絶対に美しい…完全に満足できる」と評され(Fanfare)、そして「見事」と称され(シンシナティ·エンクワイアラー)、そして「21世紀のグローバル多文化主義の典型例」と述べられています。彼の作品は、Jaap Van Zweden、Yuja Wang、Manfred Honeck、Long Yu、ニューヨークフィルハーモニック、ロンドンフィルハーモニック、サンフランシスコ交響楽団、ピッツバーグ交響楽団、マーラー室内管弦楽団、メルボルン交響楽団、大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団、米国海兵隊の「大統領専属」楽団、ドーヴァー四重奏団、そして最近アーティスト·イン·レジデンスとして務めた上海交響楽団など、アメリカ国内外の主要なオーケストラや演奏者によって演奏されています。彼の管弦楽協奏曲は、ルイ・ラングリーとシンシナティ交響楽団によって委託され、録音され、2018年の最優秀現代クラシック作曲部門でグラミー賞にノミネートされ、この部門で栄誉に輝いた初めての中国生まれの作曲家であり、2人目のアジア人作曲家となりました。2019年、北京音楽祭は彼を「今年のアーティスト」に選出しました。2022年、彼はアメリカン·バンドマスターズ協会からシンフォニアに対する憧れのスーザABAオストワルド賞を受賞し、初めてのアジア系アメリカ人作曲家となりました。


Composer’s photo:


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Baylor University Wind Ensemble conducted by Eric Wilson (Signum Records)


Michigan State University Wind Symphony conducted by Kevin Sedatole gave world premiere performance of Sinfonia on 30 April 2022 at Wharton Center for the Performing Arts, East Lansing, Michigan.