First Sight
(2007) | 5 minutes
Commissioned by The Minnesota Orchestra
SCORING 3(picc) . 3(corA) . 3(Eb.Cl) . 3(cbn) / 4331 / timp / 3 perc: xylophone, crash and suspended cymbals, Chinese cymbal, tamtam, large temple bowl, snare drum, bass drum / hp / pno / str
23 October 2007, Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, MN.
The Minnesota Orchestra
Sarah Hicks, conductor
Programme Note
Commissioned by the Minnesota Orchestra on the occasion of the orchestra’s centennial, “First Sight” was inspired by the folk dancers of the Dai people in China’s Yunnan province. To capture the raw and mesmerizing movements of the folk dancers, the music rises and falls through groovy rhythms and ever-changing intervals of seconds and thirds—almost sounding improvisatory, yet in its core, it is clear and precise. The slower dance in the middle of the piece is calm and lyrical, as if clearing the stage in the morning in anticipation for a new night of musical venture.
The score calls for piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, English horn, clarinet in E-flat, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion (3 players: xylophone, crash and suspended cymbals, Chinese cymbal, tamtam, chimes, snare drum, bass drum), harp, piano, and strings.
©Zhou Tian
周 天(1981-)
《霎那间》从傣族舞蹈中获得灵感,为明尼苏达管弦乐团成立100周年而作 。乐曲洋溢着个性鲜明的节奏和极具色彩性的和声。音乐舒缓时出现的一小段“慢舞”带来的短暂的宁静,彷佛预示着又一晚狂欢的到来。—周天